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Data Center


Get immediate alerts to issues that threaten your server environments

When you’re responsible for critical information technology equipment, you need instant notification of environmental problems that can impact your server rooms and data centers. Sensaphone devices have built-in features to simultaneously monitor both the network environment (temperature, power, humidity, etc.) and TCP/IP devices. 

As soon as there is a change in environmental conditions, a server, router, gateway, or other devices, the sensors notice it and the system sends alarm messages to designated personnel. Sensaphone's comprehensive infrastructure-wide monitoring lets IT and data managers react to network interruptions before it’s too late. A glitch does not need to turn into a disaster that costs millions-of-dollars-a-minute in sales and unrecoverable employee productivity.


Remote environmental monitoring protects server rooms and network distribution facilities from:

  • Extremes in server temperature
  • Power fluctuation
  • Humidity changes
  • Unauthorized access and unlawful break-ins

6 Environmental Threats to Data Centers and Computer Rooms

Protect your infrastructure

Data center management needs to address more than just cyber treats. Infrastructure is the lifeline for server and network gear. Air conditioning systems, UPS systems, and backup generators need to be operating at peak efficiency to ensure uninterrupted operation. The best software and technology in the world can't prevent an entire infrastructure going down when a $12 fan goes dead. A remote monitoring system will.

Scalable system can monitor TCP/IP devices

The IMS-4000 includes a master ‘Host’ unit and supports up to 31 expansion ‘Node’ devices. Each host and node has inputs for up to eight environmental sensors. The system also monitors any TCP/IP address device through pinging and port availability. Up to 64 TCP/IP addresses per host or node can be monitored on your network via an ethernet connection.

If a server or service stops responding, the IMS-4000 instantly notifies the appropriate personnel using pre-programmed instructions. The TCP/IP alarm feature is ideal for monitoring routers, web servers, email servers, DNS servers, database server and gateways. That means you know when your website or email server is down before your customer or supervisor.

Sends alarms through any channel

The system can send alarm messages through the network via email or text message, a phone line with real-voice messages, or a simple network management protocol (SNMP) trap. Using multiple channels allows alarm messages to get through even if the network is down. The system can even make traditional voice phone calls in the event of an alarm. You can customize alarm functions to:

  • Contact different people depending on the type of problem
  • Dial different numbers or send text messages depending on the time of day