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Pump Station


Remotely monitor for pump operation, power failures and more in your pump station

For the last 30 years, Sensaphone auto dialers have been used in remote and local pump and lift stations to monitor for power and equipment failures. Traditional autodialers are still a good option for many locations, but Sensaphone’s product line now includes devices that can communicate via cellular, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and satellite. No matter where your lift station is located, Sensaphone devices can monitor and send alarm messages if problems arise.

Call out only devices:

A Sensaphone remote pump monitoring system can be used in many ways in lift and pump stations. Many stations that are equipped with a PLC use a Sensaphone unit as a simple callout device. The Sensaphone device is wired into the alarm contacts of the PLC. When the PLC identifies an alarm, the unit alerts the appropriate personnel. Each alarm contact can be uniquely identified (e.g., wet well pump #1) so that personnel knows exactly what the problem is before they arrive on site. If the PLC uses Modbus, the Sentinel Pro can pull sensor data directly from the PLC. It can remotely provide that data in real-time for status updates, alarming, notification, reporting and data logging.

Independent verification

Other users prefer to use their Sensaphone device to independently verify conditions in their remote or unattended location. By using sensors to monitor wet well levels, temperature, flow, equipment malfunction and power failure, they can check the status of their station at any time by logging into a website or calling the device. Many devices also record data, which can be used to show compliance and analyze trends.

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Sensaphone Sentinel with Cellular Modem
Sensaphone Sentinel Pro with Cellular Modem
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